Attorneys Chuck Ramsay and Dan Koewler Complete National DWI Course
The attorneys at Ramsay & Associates, PLLC, pride themselves on keeping on the cutting of DWI / DUI defense. Last week attorneys Chuck Ramsay and Dan Koewler learned from some of the other best lawyers in the country at a three-day continuing legal education course in Las Vegas.
The classes included the following topics:
Reversing the Call on the Field: Persuading the Appellate Court
- Rod Kennedy
Chemical Test Discovery: Getting a Complete Scouting Report
- Troy McKinney
Ethics Jeopardy: What is the Right Thing to Do?
- Bruce Kapsack
Gearing-Up Your Offense: Suppressing the Evidence
- John Wesley Hall
What We Can Learn from the Inquest of the Death of Princess Diana
- Dr. Robert Forrest & Jess Paul
Field Sobriety Tests-- Running Through the Drills
- Gus McDonald
Advanced FSTs-- For Whom Are They Designed?
- Mimi Coffey
Was Your Client Tested on a Broken Machine?
- Tom Workman
Scoring the Winning Touchdown with Your Closing Argument
- Les Hulnick & Vic Pellegrino
Voir Dire of the Expert
- Dr. SunWolf
Blood Lab Secrets
- Dr. Robert Forrest & Jess Paul
On the last day of the program, the attorneys broke down in to small groups for the following workshops:
-Advanced Cross-Examination Techniques
Instructed by Mike Hawkins
-Perfecting Your Opening & Closing
Instructed by Les Hulnick & Vic Pellegrino
-Crossing the Officer on FSTs
Instructed by Troy McKinney, Mimi Coffey, and Steven Oberman
- Auto Brewery Syndrome
Instructed by Dr. Robert Forrest
-Bring Your File
Instructed by Jess Paul
-Challenging Drug Recognition Experts
Instructed by Judge Rod Kennedy and Dr. Robert Forrest
-Developing & Implementing Effective Juror Questionnaires
Instructed by Dr. SunWolf
- Converting Your Preemptory Challenge Into One For Cause
Instructed by Dr. SunWolf
-What Every Attorney Must Know About Infrared Spectroscopy
Instructed by Tom Workman and Bruce Kapsack
-Cross-Examination of the Breath Tech
Instructed by Steve Jones
-Cross-Examination of the Blood Tech
Instructed by Gus McDonald
-Analyzing the Police Video
Instructed by Tony Palacios & Sara Compher-Rice
Chuck and Dan are eager use new ideas and know-how in Minnesota. No doubt the classes will benefit their clients immeasurably.
Charles A. Ramsay
Attorney at Law
450 Rosedale Towers
1700 West Highway 36
Roseville, MN 55113
o: 651.604.0000
f: 651.604.0027
c: 651.336.6603