DWI Automobile Forfeiture Case Set for Oral Argument (Downloadable Briefs)
The Supreme Court has scheduled oral argument in Patino v. One 2007 Chevrolet, a DWI vehicle forfeiture case. The hearing is set for 9:00 a.m. at the Minnesota Judicial Center, Courtroom 300.
This is an important case which will determine whether the language of a civil forfeiture statue is to be liberally or strictly construed. In this case the issue is whether the government must obtain a criminal conviction of a designated DWI offense to prevail in a forfeiture matter.
For those personally affected by DWI Vehicle Forfeiture (and law geeks like us), I've provided the briefs filed in this case for download:
Minnesota Court of Appeals Decision: Patino v. One 2007 Chevrolet (Minn Ct App, 2011)
Petitioner's Brief and Appendix by Office of the Nicollet County Attorney (Prosecuting Authority)
Respondent's Brief by Laura Patino (Owner)
Amicus Curiae Brief of Minnesota Society of Criminal Justice and Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (Ramsay Law Firm, PLLC)
Amicus Curiae Brief of MN Police and Peace Officers - Part 1 of 5
Amicus Curiae Brief of MN Police and Peace Officers - Part 2 of 5
Amicus Curiae Brief of MN Police and Peace Officers - Part 3 of 5
Amicus Curiae Brief of MN Police and Peace Officers - Part 4 of 5
Amicus Curiae Brief of MN Police and Peace Officers - Part 5 of 5
Unlike decision by the Minnesota Court of Appeals, the Minnesota Supreme Court is not bound by any time frame in which to render a decision in the case.