Minnesota's Top DWI & DUI Defense Lawyers Present Continuing Legal Education Seminar
Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice
2013 Annual DWI Defense CLE â?? June 14, 2013
Recognized as the top DWI CLE in Minnesota
Featuring Prominent Local and Nationally Recognized DWI Attorneys
*** Recently Added *** Panel Discussion on Missouri v. McNeely
Every Minnesota DWI attorney should attend this seminar! Attendees will receive McNeely v. Missouri motions, memoranda and other documents. All materials will be provided on CD.
8:30 am Registration and Welcome
9:00-9:45 am View From The Appellate Bench:
The Honorable R.A. (Jim) Randall
9:45-10:30 am Legislative and Case Law Update:
Douglas Hazelton
10:30-10:45 am Break
10:45 am Enhancing DWI Penalties with Prior Implied Consent Revocations:
Dave Risk
11:15 am Prescription Drug DWIs and Revocations:
Jeff Sheridan
NOON Lunch (Included)
1:00-1:30 pm What Not to Do and How Not To Do It:
Samuel McCloud
1:30-2:30 pm Representing the Mentally Ill DWI Defendant:
Anna McLafferty (National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota)
2:30-2:45 pm Break
2:45-3:30 pm McNeely â?? Vindication and Application of Netland, Shriner and Wiseman:
Panel Discussion by Lead Attorneys:
Chuck Ramsay, Jeffrey Ring, Jeff Sheridan
3:30-4:30 pm Standardized Field Sobriety Testing â?? Problems and Procedures:
Rebecca Rhoda Fisher, Sharon R. Osborn, Pamela King
4:30 pm Adjourn for Social Hour
No prosecutors will be permitted. Click here for the flyer, more information and registration.